Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mitral Valve Prolapsed

Everything began in a summer in 2005 I studied and had two works. One day I arrived with the accelerated heart, fatigue and pain in chest to my house. My parents decided to take me to the hospital then the doctor decided to make physical examination and he found that I had a mitral valve prolapse. What it’s the mitral valve prolapse? This happens when the valve do not work correctly in our heart. This condition suffers 1 of each 20 Americans, many of these don’t know it and therefore they don’t take any type of treatment, since their symptoms are slight. Other people must be operated. It’s commonest in the women than in the men. In my case my doctor prescribed daily medicines to me to be able to control the symptoms. I’m one of the few people who suffer the condition and need to be treated because the intensity of the symptoms. This condition has limited to me to continue with a normal lifestyle (I can’t do any alteration). Until today I visit my cardiologist every 6 months.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about this. It is a good thing your parents took you to the hospital because you could have been one of the people who never know they have Mitral Valve Prolapse. I hope your medication helps your fatigue and chest pain go away. Good Luck with everything!

  2. I'm sorry to hear about this. I hope that the medication is allowing you to live as normal as possible. It is crazy how people can have Mitral Valve Prolapse and never know that they do. But I hope everything goes well for you.

  3. Your story really puts things in prespective. Heart conditions and diseases are no joke and you prove that it can happen to anyone. Goodluck and I hope everything goes well :)
