Thursday, March 19, 2009

Heart Rate

Heart rate (HR) is a measure of the number of heart beats per minute (bpm). The average resting human heart rate is about 70 bpm for adult males and 75 bpm for adult females. Heart rate varies significantly between individuals based on fitness, age and genetics. You can take your heart rate in your wrist, neck, temple, groin and behind your knee.

Normal Heart Rate

Newborn- 100 to 160 beats per minute
Child 1 to 10 year old- 70 to 120 beats per minute
Child 10 year old to senior- 60 to 75 beats per minute


  1. Knowing were and how to take your heart rate is an important thing which everyone should be able to do. I also found it interesting that in your blog you said you can take your pulse behind your knee and in your groin, I didn’t know this.

  2. That does make sense because thats where the major arteries are, but I never realized that either. I also did not know that newborns had such a high heart rate. It seems almost scary and if it were anyone else, it would be dangerous. good blog.
