Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Myths About Women and Heart Disease

According to the American Heart Association heart disease kills more women in the United States each year than any other disease.

Listed below are some common myths regarding women and heart disease that are more commons.

Myth: If there's no history of heart disease in your family, you don't have to worry about getting it.


Family history is only one of many risk factors for heart disease in women. You may also be at risk for developing heart disease if you:

* Are over age 55
* Have high blood pressure (140/90 or higher)
* Are overweight
* Smoke cigarettes
* Are physically inactive
* Have diabetes
* Are under a lot of stress

Myth: Heart disease is a man's disease.
Heart disease is a serious health concern for both men and women. The primary difference between heart disease in men and women is that it often shows up in women nearly a decade later than in men.
Myth: The symptoms of heart disease are the same for women and men.
Heart disease displays itself differently in women and men. The signs in women tend to be subtler than for men. The primary warning sign women should be on the lookout for is angina, which is chest pain that causes a tight feeling in the chest and may spread into the left arm or jaw. Angina is oftentimes mistaken for indigestion in women and is therefore frequently missed.


  1. I think its important that you posted these, because women need to know the facts about their health. Still, both women AND men should stay educated about their health, and if people posted more things like this, that would be easier!

  2. Women and men are much more alike than some think. Look at what was posted. Both species has a potential threat in heart disease. Sure some many out duel others but the risk is always there.

  3. men and women both have to worry about heart disease, as well as their health
